The Battle of Lone Pine
The Battle of Lone Pine was one of a series of actions fought by the Australian and New Zealand forces during the Gallipoli campaign. The fighting there lasted four days and resulted in over 2,000 Australian casualties, and an estimated 7,000 Turkish casualties. Of the nine Victoria Crosses awarded to Australian troops during the Gallipoli campaign, seven were for actions during the August Offensive, which included the Battle of Lone Pine.
6 August 2015 marked 100 years since the August Offensive, which began with the historic Battle of Lone Pine and also included a series of other attacks along the Anzac perimeter at the Nek, Pope's Hill and Quinn's Post.
You can find out more about:
- the soldiers who were there—direct from the trenches—through The Courier Mail's AnzacLive blog
- a detailed account of the Battle of Lone Pine

Queenslanders in the 1915 August Offensive
Queenslanders played important roles in the 1915 August Offensive, with the 2nd Light Horse Regiment leading the offensive at Quinn’s Post, and Queensland’s Major Thomas Glasgow commanding two regiments from the 1st Light Horse Brigade.
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